Virtual worlds of inspiration
Virtual worlds of inspiration
Virtual worlds of inspiration
Dive into mesmerizing worldscapes.
Take a journey through virtual worlds designed by experienced meditators to bring you inspiration. Discover the power of Immerza as you embark on a journey of tranquility and mindfulness.
Dive into mesmerizing worldscapes.
Take a journey through virtual worlds designed by experienced meditators to bring you inspiration. Discover the power of Immerza as you embark on a journey of tranquility and mindfulness.
Dive into mesmerizing worldscapes.
Take a journey through virtual worlds designed by experienced meditators to bring you inspiration.
Different world categories
for different desired mood types
Different world categories
for different desired mood types
Different world categories for different desired mood types
Enter the mood you desire on-demand from our four
handpicked worlds: Calm. Focus. Motivation. Awe
Enter the mood you desire on-demand from our four
handpicked worlds: Calm. Focus. Motivation. Awe
Enter the mood you desire on-demand from our four handpicked worlds: Calm. Focus. Motivation. Awe
Personalize your experience
Personalize your experience
Enjoy a tailored experience that resonates with you on a deeper level. Customize from sound, duration, breathing exercise - and more!
Enjoy a tailored experience that resonates with you on a deeper level. Customize from sound, duration, breathing exercise - and more!
Track your mood
Track your mood
Guidance by mindfulness teachers
Before each session, you'll rate your current mood and after the session
you'll rate your mood again.Check your progress and see how your
mood changes with regular meditation practice.
Choose calming guided meditations of mindfulness teachers and let chakra, angelic and brainwave entrainment music deepen your experience
Choose calming guided meditations of mindfulness teachers and let chakra, angelic and brainwave entrainment music deepen your experience
Guidance by mindfulness teachers
Meditation with Gurus
Guided meditation with breathwork + sound set to sharpen your self-awareness and experience. Designed to promote clarity and connection.
Meditation with Gurus
Guided meditation with breathwork + sound set to sharpen your self-awareness and experience - designed to promote clarity and connection.
Guidance by mindfulness teachers
Meditation with Gurus
Guided meditation with breathwork + sound set to sharpen your self-awareness and experience. Designed to promote clarity and connection.
Guidance by mindfulness teachers
Meditation with Gurus
Guided meditation with breathwork + sound set to sharpen your self-awareness and experience - designed to promote clarity and connection.
Mindfulness experts
Mindfulness experts
Mindfulness experts
Have a meditation session guided by your favorite teacher. Experience meditation leaders help you to have a deeper spiritual connection and feel supported.
Have a meditation session guided by your favorite teacher. Experience meditation leaders help you to have a deeper spiritual connection and feel supported.
Have a meditation session guided by your favorite teacher. Experience meditation leaders help you to have a deeper spiritual connection and feel supported.
A more personal and successful experience
A more personal and successful experience
Take back your health and happiness with personalized mindfulness classes led by Gurus - designed to help you feel your best. Empathetic and full of compassion, guides help you to have a more personalized and successful experience.
Take back your health and happiness with personalized mindfulness classes led by Gurus - designed to help you feel your best. Empathetic and full of compassion, guides help you to have a more personalized and successful experience.
Different meditation techniques
Different meditation techniques
Guidance by mindfulness teachers
Breathwork techniques + sound are intentionally curated to amplify the
physiological impact of each experience. From taking inventory
of your thoughts to following your breath, find the perfect method
to quiet your mind.
Gurus have their techniques developed in years of experience. They
also have different styles for different tastes. Focus on the various
meditation techniques that align with you.
Choose calming guided meditations of mindfulness teachers and let chakra, angelic and brainwave entrainment music deepen your experience
Choose calming guided meditations of mindfulness teachers and let chakra, angelic and brainwave entrainment music deepen your experience